Dollars and Sense

Saturday, February 26, 2011


So this is my first attempt at a blog or whatever you techies call it. I can barely turn on my computer...I've avoided this moment like dog poop first thing in the morning when I've slept too long and didn't let the kids out in time. I don't know how these things work. Between you and me I don't really want to. I think it's incredibly narcissistic to think anyone really gives a hoot about what you do in your day to day life. That is unless you're Lady Gagme and even then you're still just an egghead.

But I'm trying to raise funds to complete the building phase in time for the grand opening of my new store, Suck It, and I need to get the word out. So now, against my better judgment, I'm putting myself out here on the www. Is that the proper lingo? I'm just not juggy with it but between the widgets and gadgets and nuggets, how can anyone really be sure of what's going on with our personal persona? I googed my name and was shocked to find nakkid photos of me. Now I can, with confidence, tell you that the woman in those photos is NOT me because, again, I would never be narcissistic enough to think anyone out there wants to see my jibbly bits...I have to admit though, I was extremely disappointed to see that the cow in the pictures didn't look as good as I do.  I think that if someone wants to steal my identity they should at least have the courtesy to look decent doing it. 

On top of this blog I've been informed that if I want a successful fund raising campaign that I also have to tweeter and facespace and whatever else the whole world does to "social network"... that is besides me and my Grandma. She always tells me, "There are just a few of us left." I haven't determined if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet...stay tuned to find out...